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Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Diet Quickie

All right, after yesterday's discussion with my boy, I've decided it's about time I started feeding my body the way I want him to feed his mind.

I went back to SparkPeople.  I found their gadget for my Droid and it works very nicely, and I used it today and now I'm freakin' starving... so I am going to go over my calories before bed, just a little, and I'm not recording it, darn it, because if you're that hungry you're just asking for trouble trying to get to sleep.

And I think Julia's going to be my diet buddy (corny? maybe.  But she's starting SP too and asked if I want to do it together, and yes I do.

One of my goals is to journal daily, so you might see more of me.

Gratuitous knitting picture... mom's socks.  They're all ready except the earrings, mom!


  1. Dude, having a buddy is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. If I don't have a buddy to say "Hey, did you really only eat spaghetti and eggrolls yesterday? Terrible idea!" then I will only eat spaghetti and eggrolls. And cheese. (I skipped the cheese today, but the rest is factual.)

  2. I have dieted before...

    I have never had a buddy. This may be the source of my failures. I'm always too embarrassed to ask.

    I'm so happy we'll be supporting each other!

  3. Good luck with your dieting!

    Buddy helps in all things!

    Hope that exercise is part of the program!
    Do they suggest how you spend your calories during the day? (AM/PM?)

  4. Update: immediately after posting that, I went and had some cheese. Fail!

  5. @ Bad Dog: THanks, Bill. SparkPeople pretty much lets you design your own program. You can track your fitness as well as your food. There are tons of articles about different approaches to eating as well.

    I am starting wicked slow. I am starting with food and stretching, and that's it. In a few weeks if I have some success and haven't totally wigged myself out, I will add a bit of exercise. But I'm taking baby steps, very intentionally, on this quest, because I want it to stick.

    @Julia. Not fail. Redirection. It's like your GPS device, which, when you get off course, politely says, "At the next safe intersection, turn around and change course.

    Plan the cheese. I planned the chocolate chip cookie last night (and it was delicious!)

  6. Much luck with your diet attempt. I am REALLY rooting for you! Baby steps are good - I know you can do it (after all, I quit smoking umpteen years ago doing baby steps and my own program - the only thing that worked!) The socks look lovely - can't wait to wear them. Earrings???? that's a surprise! :)

  7. Mom... the socks aren't done until the earrings match.

    And I almost forgot! GazeboGal would never forgive me.
