The other day I posted on Facebook that I have done more scary mathings, and I basically have to spin a single every 3 days from now until the end of September in order to get where I need to be. I'm at 30% of the spinning for this project--my second skein is officially finished (Skein Isisonearth weighs in at 233 yards and 5.4 ounces, which means my consistency is in the ballpark: Skein DovieJay was 220 yards and 5.2 ounces).
And my dear friend eightlegedDJ, AKA Eight Leggy Meggy, pointed out that she reads my blog! and that as this is Alot of Spinning, maybe I just need to hire an Alot. Apologies to Hyperbole and A Half for my inept rendering. Hers is Alot Better (and if you haven't read her blog post, now is the time! What are you waiting for? And then go read the one about cake. You'll be glad you did).
The Alot, after all, is better than you at everything, even spinning.
Good Mathing News
So, the really good news is, once I had washed and blocked my swatch, I discovered that the swatch tightened up just a teeny bit--and now, I have gauge! whee! Those sticky alpaca fibers love each other! So I won't have to do the scary going down a size thing and then end up with a sweater that fits a teenager.
Fiber Factor Awesome
I don't have a whole lot to say about progress. I make a lot of rolags and then I spin them into yarn, and I have to do it faster.
DovieJay (aka Jennette Cross) on the other hand is having an interesting couple of weeks. She's a contestant on The Fiber Factor. Now, I'm not a big huge fan of reality TV shows, and I'm not a big Fashion person, so even things like Project Runway are, eh. But The Fiber Factor is awesomely cool. They're coming out with really nifty patterns (ask me how many I totally want to knit, like, tomorrow!) and to set these fiber artists apart from the Project Runway people--there are no freakouts, no drama. The judges are awesome fiber artists too--Stephen West and Ysolda Teague have both been on (and if I were DovieJay I would probably be putting those pieces of clothing away saying, "Ysolda touched this!" in the manner of "I'll never wash this cheek again!"
So, the current challenge is challenge 4, Express Yourself, which is a knitting machine challenge and they get to choose a solid yarn and then are sent a variegated yarn to go with it. You can see Jennette here... again, something in Blogger detests me so I can only post a link, not the actual video, but really, even if you just watch her introducing herself, you'll enjoy it! and poking around among the other contestants is awesome too.
Skein Isisonearth
Named for my friend Isis, former Head of my House Cup House and mother of another Boy Who Is Eleven, Skein Isisonearth is just as lovely as its predecessor and feels just as soft. Can't wait to make a sweater from all this yarn!