So, cool things: I discovered, thanks to one of my wonderful Ravenclaw sisters, ChoreWars. Seriously!? (Interrobang!) A D&D game where your chores are your Adventures! David and I are both in; he's on the team earning points. I totally beat him to making his lunch. I told him he had until 8:00 to come volunteer to help me, and he didn't, so I got the 15 points! Go me.
Is it silly? Er, yes. But way more fun than doing dishes without battling a Water Goblin.
Other cool things... let's see. I am Kitchener Stitch away from finishing an Elephant.
I made David some socks!
And that'll be 5 days tracking food on SparkPeople, thank you very much.
Less good things: David takes his very first ever installment of the MCAS exam tomorrow. Joy. And Netflix is not working. Pout. I wanna watch reruns of Xena Warrior Princess!